
language of thecho village...

  Only two languages Nepali and Newari are spoken in this village development committee. Since Newars are in the majority, most of the people speak in their mother tongue Newari. The people of other casts inhabiting ward number eight and nine, due to their daily contact with Newars, can understand Newars , and w\switch over to it while talking to Newars.
Due to increasing number of child enrollment in schools, the speakers of Nepali language are on the rise. However, only few Newar parents speak Nepali to their children at home.
The total number of Nepali speakers is 1127 which is 17.57 percent of the total population where as the Newari speakers comprise more then 82 percent. Except some slang words the Nepal language spoken in this village is very similar to that of Newar spoken in the Kathmandu valley. But Mali cast at ward number six speak a little different Newari with special vocabularies and intonation.