Like any other community, this village has also its
own culture, tradition and social practices which have been preserved
for generations. Culture of this village is more or less similar to that
of this village also practice different social rituals from birth to
death and even after death. When a new child is born, different rituals
are performed. A ritual, purity ceremony, chhaite, is performed on the
six day of the birth of a child. Then follows naming ceremony,
namskarna; and 'anna prashan', food giving ceremony. Small feast is also
arranged during anna prashan ceremony. If the newly born child is a boy
then 'Bratabandha' or 'kaitapuja' an initiation ceremony is performed
by the holding a grand feast. But if the child is a girl the 'Ihi' or
meaning Bell Bibah in Nepali is performed in which a girl is girl is
married to a ' Bell ' a kind of sacred fruit. Another typical ritual is
performed when a girl reaches the age of twelve or thirteen, this is
called 'Gufa' or 'Barah taygu'. According to this ritual, a girls put in
a dark room for eleven nights and during this period she is strictly
prohibited to see the sun and male. Then on the twelfth day a group of
girls wearing red sari and blouse and red paste on their forehead are
taken out in a procession. When a person reaches the age of seventy.
Seven years and seven months, he or she is honoured by worshipping
amidst a special ceremony called Bhimratharohan or Janku. Marriage is
generally arranged by the elders. A bridegroom is searched by the male
side and before fixing the date of marriage, the horoscopes of both are
taken to ‘Jyotsi' to see wheather their stars match or not. Elopement
has been very common, especially those partners whose marriage is not
girl can findout their whereabouts within four days, she can days, she
can be brought back without any defame. Untauchability still prevails in
this village. The depressed casts are still looked down by some elders,
but a fabric of society is not fragment on the bassis of such social
classes. When a person is on his or her death bed , telling ‘Gauri
Puran', religious story is performed. It is believed that it would help
the departed soul rest in peace. The deceaxe person's kinsmen oerform
one year long mourning.
Nepal , the birthplace of Buddha, has never
withnessed any undesirable incidents in the name of religion. Rather is
has been the source of inspiration for a higher level of life in harmony
and peace. Hinduism an Buddisim are two main religious in our
country.That the people of this village have strong faith in religion
becomes clear by the presence of different Hindu and Buddhist temples.
There is always religious harmony and no people are staunch follower of
any religious . This means Buddhist also visit the Hindu temples and
Hindu also frequent the Buddhist temples. So religious fanaticism is not
noticed in this village